samedi 18 avril 2015

Reflection Practice

Stuff to keep in mind while doing Reflection

 - Fresnel effect ( it reflects more on the edge )
 - In Reflection you lose light so always make the reflection a bit darker
 - The specular Reflection HighLight change position on the object depending of the angle of view.
    it will be most of the time ofset a bit from the Diffuse/Lambert HL.
- The specular is just the brightest spot of whats reflected
- The reflection becomes 'blurry" when there is a lot of bump/texture on the surface the more micro bumps the less you see the reflection at all and becomes only diffuse.
-  Anistropic effect is due to having a noise on the surface only in one direction ( exemple brush metal) the anistropic reflection is perpendicular to the direction of the bump.
- Texture is the only difference between a a reflective surface or diffuse one.
- GI is important when painting beleivable lighting.  Take into consideration, bounce light and color from the environement.
- be aware of exposure of the scene .
 Reflection is shadow and cast shadow will show a bit better become in the lit area it will be  a bit blown out.
- Just blur the reflection to get different kind of material.